INFINITE – artificial intelligence For professional and pedagogical practices in Higher Education aims to make the best use of AI for teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education (HE). 

The project aims to prepare: 

  • academics to use AI for innovative teaching and assessment, promoting students’ understanding of the interdisciplinary nature and implications this emerging technology has in various fields. 
  • students to leverage AI for their learning, through a complementary blended course designed for them.
The project is based on four specific objectives:
  1. Raising awareness about the affordances and challenges of AI for stimulating innovative professional and pedagogical practices in HE.

  2. Developing hands-on resources for HE academics to recognize and leverage AI for their professional and pedagogical practice, considering the ethical implications.

  3. Building HE academics’ and students’ digital competences, readiness and resilience to effectively use AI with ethical responsibility and integrity, for teaching, learning and assessment.

  4. Promoting higher education institutions’ digital transformation through capacity-building and preparedness of the HE community, to leverage AI for professional and pedagogical practices

INFINITE Project's Official Website:
INFINITE AI Digital HUB Website:

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